2c: Animal Communication Session - Ellen Farrell
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2c: Animal Communication Session

Animal Communication

Bring balance & understand your Family/Animals better: cat, dog, horse, etc. Increase healing, & harmony! Ellen’s Intuitive skills work with Energy Systems & the subconscious mind to break through barriers to health.

Improve health issues: immune system, injuries that won’t heal due to emotional trauma /past trauma, loss, fears, anxiety, family dynamics, environment, (diet/lifestyle) issues, & communication barriers (with other animals & human relationships).

As with humans, our animal friends may have past trauma, other physical / emotional / dietary needs. They have their own personality traits – & even have their own Element Type as with humans (per TCM or Chinese Medicine, this is the way they respond when stressed)!

When your pet is happy / healthy, the whole family benefits!

Like the dog whisperer, Cesar Millan, I work with family members, enhancing awareness, communication, & healthy boundaries. Unlike Cesar, rather than primarily using a behavioral approach, I bring greater balance with a focus on Energy system status, energy flow/healing needs, creating healthy boundaries, identifying emotional / practical needs, & seeing the history, hearing their story. Learn how to have a happier, healthier family communication with / between all furry & non-furry family members! This rate includes under a 1/2 hour of travel for Ellen.

Rate varies online, vs. in person. Please discuss with Ellen.