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Earth’s volcano timelapse

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Ellen’s Favorite Quotes

These sayings were collated by Ellen Farrell, MA, NCC, LPC, EEM-AP


Enjoy reading these wonderful quotes – wisdom, truth, peace, & love to you… Namaste!

       Waking up this morning, I smile. Twenty-four brand new hours are before me.

I vow to live fully in each moment, and to look at all beings with eyes of compassion.
– Thich Nhat Hanh

       Every Saint who has penetrated to the core of Reality has testified that a divine universal plan exists and that it is beautiful and full of joy.
– Paramahansa Yogananda, Autobiography of a Yogi

   As there is no screen or ceiling between our heads and the infinite heavens, so there is no bar or wall in the soul where human kind, the effect ceases . . .

I am constrained every moment to acknowledge a higher origin for events than the will I call mine.

There is a deep power in which we exist and whose beatitude is accessible to us. Every moment when the individual feels invaded by it is memorable.

It comes to the lowly and simple; it comes as insight; it comes as serenity and grandeur.

The soul’s health consists in the fullness of its reception. Within us is the soul of the whole; the wise silence; the universal beauty, to which every part and particle is equally related; the eternal One.

When it breaks through our intellect, it is genius; when it breathes through our will, it is virtue; when it flows through our affections, it is love.
– Ralph Waldo Emerson, The Oversoul

   If of thy store, two loaves of bread alone are left, sell one – and with the dole, buy hyacinths to feed your soul.
– Persian Proverbs, The Rose Garden

       It is only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on earth

– and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up, that we will begin to live each day to the fullest, as if it was the only one we had.
– Elisabeth Kubler–Ross, The Wheel of Life

⌘   Violence as a way of achieving…justice is both impractical and immoral. It is impractical because it is a descending spiral ending in destruction for all. The old law of an eye for an eye leaves everybody blind.

It is immoral because it seeks to humiliate the opponent rather than win his understanding… it thrives on hatred rather than love. It destroys community and makes brotherhood impossible. It leaves society in monologue rather than dialogue. Violence ends by defeating itself. It creates bitterness in the survivors and brutality in the destroyers.
– Martin Luther King, Jr.

   Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.

It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us… We are all meant to shine as children do… And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.

As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
– Marianne Williamson, A Return to Love

   You were born with potential, You were born with goodness and trust, You were born with ideals and dreams, You were born with greatness, You were born with wings.

You are not meant for crawling, so don’t, You have wings,

Learn to use them and fly!
– Rumi


Chakra Healing

By Ellen Farrell, MA, NCC, LPC, EEM-AP


There are seven energy centers in your body, often called chakras, and this information is based on ancient writings from Sanskrit and Ayurvedic knowledge. The practice of Yoga and meditation developed around the concepts experienced by seers of these energies at least 6000-10,000 years ago, just as we have modern day seers like myself. The state of each chakra reflects the health of a specific area of your body – and your personal stories that relate with the different principles of each, and reflect your psychological, emotional and spiritual well-being. Every thought and experience you’ve ever had in your life gets filtered through these chakra databases. Each event is recorded into your cells. In other words, to quote Caroline Myss, “your biography becomes your biology.” When chakra energy is blocked or misdirected due to “emotional splinters” as I call them, emotional and physical illness can arise. As I read each chakra, I see the stories and unresolved pain vs. healthy status in each. You may want to hold your palms right on your body (as we do with Reiki healing treatments), over the chakra where you need energy or healing; wonder where love did not show up, and send love to the past you – that didn’t get what would have been healthy. You can experiment with the idea of imagining what healthy would’ve looked like, and allow your earlier self to experience that by your conscious re-imagining of the events. This can be very healing.

Exploring your seven power centers can help you see how they reflect what’s happening in your body, and in your life to:

* – check in: where are you vs. where do you want to be?
* – Unplug from negative thoughts/perceptions
* – Live as a healthier, more empowered person

inner-journeysThere are 7 major chakras although other minor or mini-chakras also exist, such as in nipples, palms, and soles of the feet. Colors are associated with each chakra, however these respond to life and many patterns, so are complex and may vary! The color usually associated with the root, or 1st chakra (base of the spine), is red. The colors from the bottom to the top (root to crown), is abbreviated as R.O.Y.G.B.I.V.:

How is your Earth connection?: 1st ~ Red – root; survival, sexuality; Nature connections

How do you interface with life?: 2nd ~ Orange – womb; Creativity; 3rd ~ Yellow – solar plexus; the flame of your soul

Synthesis of survival needs vs. spiritual goals/understanding: 4th ~ Green – heart; loving connections; 5th ~ Blue – throat; what’s your P.O.V.?, option of expression

How is your Spirit connection?: 6th ~ Indigo – third eye; seeing with clarity; Transcendence; 7th ~ Violet/white – crown; connect with Spirit

7th – Live in the NOW, Come into the Fullness of your Being as a Spirit with a body!
Our Divine connection enters our physical life. Being present in each moment allows us to have clarity, to be free of fear ans aware of but not controlled by survival fears; present to make wise choices; and open to the beauty of each moment. Listening to higher wisdom, guidance, prayer, and meditation. Celestial perspective on the human condition results in inspiration, humanitarianism and trusting, your life’s on the right path. You are not your past; you do not need to fear your future. Only in this moment can we awaken to higher knowing and connection. Spirit wisdom; Angelic guidance, heavenly healing energies. When you are mindful of your Chakras you are better able to access and maintain a healthy and balanced life!

6th – Balance Intellect and Intuition – Seek the Truth
Open your mind. Testing your ability to measure your beliefs, thoughts, and attitudes vs. what is known at an inner level; illusion vs. truth; what is seen vs. the invisible.

5th – Your voice, your Power of choice
Let the water of life flow with clarity. If you do not meditate, how do you hear Spirit to bring balance life’s overwhelming demands? The throat chakra reflects information from all the other chakras to build/maintain one’s energy – it is the intersect between spirit and Form. Speaking up, ability to express one’s voice, dreams, personal needs; to know one’s truth – and trusting in and listening to our connection to Divine Will delivers the best outcomes.

4th What‘s in the garden of your Soul? …what is your most beautiful dream for your life? 
The heart is the middle chakra, mediating between body and spirit and determines their balance. We may experience love and compassion here – or hatred, anger, resentment, jealousy, or self-centeredness, fears, lack of forgiveness, or lack of compassion. Colors here may also be pink, gold, or deep maroon.

3rd – Do you know you matter? Is your inner fire a lantern? …an inferno? … is the fire burned out?
Who are you re: you? How do you manage your personal power? Here we find our personal ethics and integrity, the awareness of individual boundaries vs. tribal identity. Being responsible, knowing your true self vs. acting out of fear of others’ opinions.

2nd – How do you see yourself and manifest your Soul in the moments of your life?
Who are you re: others? This is the center for the innocent pure self, personal power, creativity, finance, and issues of survival, and control; vs. infinite universal potential. Reproductive issues, and one-on-one relationships. How do you view yourself in the world? Do you feel the infinite potential of life, or do you feel stuck? Live and learn!

1st – We are all connected in this NOW moment.
This is the foundation of health. Connection to family beliefs supports the formation of identity – a sense of belonging to a group. Every choice you make and every belief you accept as truth influences you. Who ae you as an individual? You are connected to all life; Earth energy, Nature; animal totums; Ancestral line… does your blood boil, or invigorate you? I see Sexuality issues here; feeling grounded happens here (from the root thru the heels) when we feel safe in our body.

Did you know: the chakras’ electrical oscillations in the skin vibrate at 100-1,600 cycles per second, contrasted with 0 to 100 in the brain, 225 in muscles, and 250 in the heart. From a study by Valerie Hunt, summarized in Vibrational Medicine by Richard Gerber; quoted in Energy Medicine, by Donna Eden (Chapter 5, p.137).

Digital Art by Doug Farrell.




Coping With Stress – Let the Love Flow

By Ellen Farrell, MA, NCC, LPC, EEM-AP


Coping with stress is best approached from a holistic perspective, with a focus on prevention. The holistic approach is an excellent complement to allopathic medicine, which holds an important place in the treatment of disease. Research shows that many positive effects result from a holistic approach (i.e., proper nutrition, exercise, spiritual connection, and finding meaning – through volunteerism, work, art, etc.) in dealing with the many stressors one may experience in life.

There is also increasing evidence that love and intimacy are “among the most powerful factors in health and illness.” According to research as compiled in Dr. Dean Ornish’ s book (1998), Love and Survival, The Scientific Basis for the Healing Power of Intimacy, intimacy is:

“at the root of what makes us sick and what makes us well, what causes sadness and what brings happiness, what makes us suffer and what leads to healing.” In fact, he states,

“I am not aware of any other factor in medicine – not diet, not smoking, not exercise, not stress, not genetics, not drugs, not surgery – that has a greater impact on our quality of life, incidence of illness, and premature death from all causes.”

Dr. Ornish states that the first step needed is “awareness, to be followed by meditation, compassion, altruism, group support, commitment, communication skills, psychotherapy/and forgiveness.” These are all “pathways to learning to open our hearts.

Heart health involves more than monitoring cholesterol – it also reflects OUR EMOTIONAL AND SPIRITUAL HEART HEALTH.

We find meaning in life through our heart connection.

Although our facility for intimacy is paramount, diet and exercise are still key components of holistic health. One must be wary of research when it doesn’t support the relationship between health and the consumption of a high fiber, low fat diet – even when published in highly regarded journals such as the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM). For instance, a study done in April of 2000, found that a high fiber, low fat diet did not protect against colon cancer.

As Dr. Ornish points out the participants’ fat intake was measured only by self-report, supposedly dropping from 36 to 24 percent – yet they lost, on average only one pound over four years, and their cholesterol levels “barely budged”. Reliable research tells us that a big drop in fat intake would result in a similar reduction of weight and cholesterol.  Dr. Ornish states that since the reports were not verified it is doubtful, considering the outcome, that the self-reported information was valid. In general, a healthy diet means low fat (this is in my mind, what Dr. Ornish saw with his heart diseased patients – perhaps it could also have been the Type A over-work syndrome, and otherwise unhealthy eating habits that were the issue). Of course, eating a high fiber diet with complex carbs, and a variety of fruits and vegetables is always good – the less processed, the better! I also want to point out that sugar levels were not measured!

Current research differentiates between good and bad fats. Bad are hydrogenated, or otherwise rancid, or degraded in production. Best is organic EEVO or coconut oil, for example. We need fats, such as from nuts, seeds, avocadoes, etc. – just not from junk food. No one needs excess fried foods (oil may be rancid/ not changed daily in some chain restaurants), or chemically processed and sprayed vegetable oils, like corn, canola, cottonseed, or soy.

There are some differences in defining specific food choices that ultimately define “healthy” for the individual – ethical/environmental food choices, body type/dosha, yin/yang balance, age, physiological and genetic variables – we are each unique! Of course, as we age and enter our 30’s and 40’s, and beyond, our metabolism slows. According to Dr. Pamela Peeke, “Women over the age of forty do not require (as much) dense complex carbohydrates (pasta, bread, potatoes, oats, rice, etc.) after 5 p.m. <evening meal>” This does not mean to go to an extreme of cutting all carbs!! We especially need those good whole grain carbohydrates at breakfast – so don’t skip it (or at least, check with your medical provider), but consider adding non-GMO, and especially organic, as many carbs are heavily sprayed at harvest with toxic chemicals! Did you know that cortisol, the stress hormone is activated when we stress ourselves by starving our bodies, as in skipping breakfast, or going more than 2-5 hours without eating?

Dr. Peeke has many good tips on her website, and the article quoted above is from “10 Toxic Weight Prevention Tips Every Woman Needs to Know“.

An intention to be healthy also manifests through exercise, which:

  • makes our bodies stronger by increasing blood supply to the brain – as we age, working out improves cognitive abilities;
  • exercise can reverse the negative characteristics of aging;
  • psychological benefits of exercise: “improved self-esteem, body concept, family relations, memory, concentration, more energy, better sleep.”
  • increases of nor-epinephrine from regular exercise overcome depression;
  • in fact, it was found that a 15-minute walk provided more relaxation than a standard mild tranquilizer!

Research shows that three factors of a good exercise program usually include:

the time (best in AM, prior to eating);


Type of exercise (20 minutes cardio/weights–preceded by a 20–30 minute meditative walk).

A balanced life includes a balanced diet, exercise, and individual stress management/group support. Making this a priority allows space for that all-important love and intimacy, known as the foundation of lasting heart health – and overall health!


This article was originally printed in the SCAD Campus Chronicle, where Ellen was a counselor from 2000-2006. It was updated in 2016.



FOOD is Medicine!

By Ellen Farrell, MA, NCC, LPC, EEM-AP


What you eat affects your mood, outlook, energy level, and (of course) your overall health!!
Always explore nutritional, psychological, and medical concerns with your medical and mental health professionals!

Here are some good nutritional choices/info…

– Pure, filtered or reverse osmosis water – know what is in your H2O! is your tap water better than your bottled spring water? No – get your water checked, and avoid plastic bottles as much as possible.
– Cook pasta and vegetables al dente (firm-Dr. Andrew Weil’s recommendation). Consider whole grain or alternate, ancient grains. Grains are typically sprayed with glyphosates or Roundup if GMO since the mid 90’s and in increasing doses into the 2000’s. beware these toxic, gut killing chemicals.
– Consider eating sulfur containing vegetables, lots of garlic, and a variety of vegetables and whole fruit, (not just juices), but keeping fruit consumption in moderation. Organic berries, citrus, and perhaps some red apple for daily use, &/or pineapple are low sugar and good medicinal options.
– Choose natural complex sugar alternatives in moderation (maple syrup, local honey, organic sugar). Stevia is lower in fructose and comes from the stevia plant! I like it in the Organic, liquid form such as from Now brand ‘Better Stevia’. The powder in packets is great for travel, such as Sweetleaf brand.
– Avoid high fructose corn syrup (HFCS)* and other highly processed sugars, which are often found in sodas (in addition to high caffeine content, which affects your ability to sleep). This can lead to inflammation, hypertension, reduced immune function, and pre-diabetes. *Many suffer from Gout, or neuropathy in later years from too much acid in the body – too many processed and rich foods are the culprit. Toxic chemicals and poor nutrition of a non-organic diet further contributes to poor health. Research Jarrow brand ALA SUSTAIN – read about their Alpha Lipoic Acid tablets-very important for detoxification and helps the Liver; and sodium or Magnesium ascorbate. Be sure to get a good source of vitamin C! I still use Ester C with bioflavinoids (tablets). Also research magnesium (Theanine Serine from Source Naturals is one I love), D3/K2, zinc/copper (gotmag.org has great info), selenium. Do you know your D3 levels? Watch Dr. Sasha Gominak (D3, the Gut, and sleep interview on Youtube). She says levels need to be around 70 – not over 80. Yes, we are getting less sunshine in general. If you are not in the southern states in the US, you may need even more. We cannot get deep sleep, repair the gut, create B vitamins without enough D3! Make sure you are getting your 8 hours! Be sure you are absorbing enough B’s. Some need methylated forms. Dr. G recommends B5 (100-200 mg which will eventually (may take years) to need less, Biotin, B12, and B-complex. If you stop D supplementation it may cause extreme muscle pain, if you take too much of these B’s, over time, you may get a headache per her video. When I moved to NYC I had to supplement a lot more with D3, and read about why to add K2!!! Read mercola.com which has good articles on this topic.
– Avoid artificial sweeteners – see: http://www.ethicalinvesting.com/monsanto/aspartame.shtml ; http://www.holisticmed.com/splenda/
– Vary meat and dairy as only major source of protein – they are higher in fat and have no fiber!
– Consider WILD caught, coldwater fish, such as Salmon and Mahi tuna (check current lists for safety re: toxins and high mercury levels). Remember, non-animal sources of protein are also a great option, and all veggies contain protein! Everyone has different needs at different times in your life, so do what you need for your health. When we are stressed we may need to detox and replenish more consistently.
– Consider always and only using non-GMO, ORGANIC soy, mushrooms, and other beans, which are high in fiber, protein, and are cholesterol free.
– Use good oils (unrefined, cold-pressed) – sauté or broil foods, use EVOO, ORGANIC olive oil, sesame, sunflower, or cold-pressed Coconut – also substitute Earth Balance ORGANIC grass fed  ‘butter’ for high fat/cholesterol butter, or ‘trans fatty acid’ margarine (hydrogenated oils – the only life they extend, is shelf life). They increase bad cholesterol, and decrease good cholesterol! Avoid all soy, corn, cottonseed oils (or palm oils that are not fair trade, and eco-harvested)!
– Read Labels and eat more fresh, local, whole foods!

Did You Know . . .

– Overuse of highly processed sugars and foods; high stress (feeling overwhelmed due to current stress + traumatic past events or chronic: verbal, physical, or situational abuse) – + overuse of antibiotics can lead to immune system breakdown: allergies, and food sensitivities, systemic candida, chronic fatigue, mood swings, depression, and anxiety disorders, muscle tension, etc. *2016 update: GMO foods and many grains (at harvest) are heavily sprayed, dried (dessicated) and killed before harvest with toxic glyphosates and other chemicals. These chemicals can lead to tumors, gut biofilm/dysbiosis and other immune system and hormone imbalances and issues.
– Overuse of caffeine and white sugar (or all HFCS, GMO beet sugar, glyphosated corn or cane, or whatever new name they may use to try to confuse consumers such as : “fructose”) may stress adrenal glands. Over time this may increase the ‘fight or flight’ response, which reduces the stress threshold, increases anxiety levels – and may also be a factor in sleep problems, and diabetes/sugar, and mood imbalances.
– Overuse of especially factory-farmed meat/dairy (in addition to effects on cardiovascular, circulation, and colon health), preservatives, rancid oils, (as in deep-fried and hydrogenated oils) can: cause fluctuating hormones; the liver to be overwhelmed; and can be a factor in acne, PMS, mood swings, hot flashes, and other peri-menopausal symptoms.
– Hydrogenated oils (margarine), in which the molecular structure of fats is altered, and all essential fatty acids (EFA’s), vitamin E, and any beneficial components are destroyed, contain Trans Fatty Acids (TFA’s). These interfere with the function of the pancreas, and cause it to secrete excess insulin. It has been linked to diabetes, infertility, obesity, immune dysfunction, cardiovascular disease, and possibly cancer.
– Recent and continuing research supports positive effects of using DHA and EFA’s in treating ADHD, Dyslexia, or Dyspraxia, supporting heart health, immune system and brain cell functioning, as well as infant brain development and visual function.
– One can of soda, by itself is said to reduce immune system functioning by 50%. Traditional commercial soda (vs. health food store organic sodas) is typically made with HFCS (from GMO corn, which is sprayed with RoundUp also contains neonics and BtToxin), or non-organic cane or beet sugar (these are not GMO crops, yet to increase harvest yield, they are also all drenched with glyphosates and other Monsanto toxins found in RoundUp) or other toxic synthetic sweeteners. Sadly if you randomly check for links online, the chemical industry has flooded it with faulty studies. I recommend movies such as Bought; Symphony of the Soil, etc. …see this article from: theintercept.com, 2016: new-evidence-about-the-dangers-of-monsantos-roundup/

Here’s The Good News…!

There are many natural options that support health, and increase vitality. Super greens like chlorella are a great source of Beta Carotene, minerals, and protein. They promote sugar balance, are low fat, and are cleansing to the blood. Many varieties of brands/products exist and all may differ somewhat in their nutritional components (such as: Sun Chlorella, Pines, Earthrise)… beware of where these are sourced; it’s recommended that it be from Korea or other location west of where Fukushima released radiation (eastern Japan), although reports are very conflicted, and with the stakes so high, it is hard to trust reports saying everything is all fine.

– Good sleep is key to good health! There are many natural sleep aids! you may want to research passionflower tincture1 Ashwaganda! Turn of tech after 7-8PM – a few hours before bedtime! Research such products as Source Naturals ‘NutraSleep’ and even Traditional Medicinals ‘Nighty Night Tea’ or ‘Calming‘ tea from Yogi. Also consider if you are getting enough mineral content in your diet! *Minerals such as Magnesium, Zinc, and others may be depleted due to GMO food intake – these minerals and amino acids like tryptophan, are critical for sleep, and bone and muscle function. Magnesium and Zinc deficiencies have been indicated in many cases of ADHD, but it is often recommended that a Red Blood Fatty Acid Analysis be done, as well as RBC blood tests for zinc/copper and Mag, + hair and urine levels of vitamin/mineral levels. *Warning! Avoid GMO/ sprayed foods. Remember all animals that come from factory farms eat these GMO corn/soy with the RoundUp chemicals – unless labeled free range/pasture raised or grass fed, organic. Glyphosates are documented to block uptake of minerals!!!!
– There are healthy options for high sugar juices, and high caffeine beverages. Use ‘Not from Concentrate’ minimally, or try green teas (which may reduce skin cancer), mild ginseng’s which are adaptogenic and tonic root herbs (i.e., American or Siberian/Eleuthero ginseng), herbal teas, and more pure water, or water with lemon! Add just 4-6 drops of stevia for instant zero calorie lemonade!
– EFA’s (essential fatty acids, GLA –gamma-linolenic acid) are important to have in your diet – non-saturated fats include Omega-6’s found in raw pumpkin and sunflower seeds, walnuts, almonds and pecans. Omega-3’s are in fish oils, and flaxseed. Dried beans (i.e. kidney, red, pinto, soy) are rich in both Omega-3 and -6.
– Remember – balance is the key! Maintain awareness of genetic/ environmental influences (strengths and weaknesses), and variations in activity and stress levels. Monitor your energy and food intake boundaries! Choose to spend your energy in alignment with your heart, and vision for a happy fulfilled self, now.
– Choose to be healthy – do your best! Take time for self care! Be nice to your body and it will work with you and be there for you! Check with your functional medicine, naturopath, or similarly educated healthcare provider to get proper thyroid, minerals, D3 levels. *2016 updates… we did not know what GMOs were doing to us back in 2001 when this article was originally created.

This article was originally printed for use in Ellen Farrell’s workshops provided at SCAD, where Ellen was a clinical Counselor from 2001-2006.



Bach Flower Remedies

By Ellen Farrell, MA, NCC, LPC, EEM-AP


Is it a spray? (NO!) – a tea? (NO!). Do you smell it? (NO!). Does it make people like classical music? Well… no – but it may help one attain a calm and clear disposition in just the way a Bach Bourree might! How? While not a replacement for medical care, they are similar to homeopathy – using natural plant and flower-based substances to affect the body’s subtle energies. The difference is that the essences comprehensively treat states of disharmony rather than physical symptoms.

Also, there can be no overdose, no side effects, and no method of treatment with which it is incompatible. Bach Flower Essences, also called remedies when combined, act on a “disharmony of the soul” according to Mechthild Scheffer’s 1st chapter, “…A Holistic Approach to Treatment” from her book, Bach Flower Therapy (which is an excellent resource, as is her new book, the Bach Flower Encyclopedia). She quotes a 1934 writing by Bach stating that one’s energy is harmonized, not by “attacking the disease” but by changing the outlook so that the disharmony is released and replaced with “the beautiful vibrations of our Higher Nature”.

Now, before you run screaming “Get me away form this New Age bunk!!!” consider that Dr. Bach’s work took place in the early 20th century. In 1930, he was a highly regarded bacteriologist and homeopathic physician. He gave up his London, Harley Street practice to continue his research, which culminated in the development of 38 remedies, and the well-known Rescue Remedy (a combination of 5 remedies, helpful in situations of trauma and panic). I’ve seen too many positive results to list in working with these remedies for over 30 years, and despite initial skepticism now know they are potent change agents.

Each of the remedies addresses a specific state, and brings balance and clarity. They address such issues as fear, control, career, exhaustion, confidence, anxiety, trauma, despair, loss, guilt, grief, transition, and many more.

A self-test to determine your needs is available on-line, and may be available at your local health food store. To learn more about it, you can also check out the FES (Flower Essence Services – Bridging Body and Soul) website, http://www.fesflowers.com/product-info/flower-essences/healing-herb/

The site states, “The Healing Herbs essences are made by Julian Barnard, who is considered among the world’s leading experts on the English Flower Essences, having studied their effects in clinical practice for two decades. For several years Julian worked closely with Nickie Murray, former director of the Bach Centre. From Nickie, Julian learned the methods of flower identification and preparation given to her by Nora Weeks, Dr. Bach’s devoted assistant.” The original Bach essences are retained through Julian Barnard’s work.

Scheffer recommends Dr. Bach’s book, Heal Thyself – however, Scheffer’s book is one of the definitive guides, giving the background, description, and supportive measures of each remedy, as well as how to mix your own personal formula. She proposes that “it can only be a matter of time” before these subtle energies will be measurable as advancements in molecular chemistry and atomic physics may lead to a greater scientific understanding. Meanwhile, double blind trials have revealed that the emotional tones of individual essences have been correctly identified. To close, I quote Ralph Waldo Emerson,

“I believe in the existence of the material world as the expression of the spiritual, and I await the insight which our advancing knowledge of material laws shall furnish”.

Until then, continued exploration of these fascinating, safe, and helpful remedies is recommended!

This article was originally printed in the Savannah College of Art & Design (SCAD) Campus Chronicle where Ellen was a graduate intern and then a counselor from 2000-2006. Ellen Farrell is a Licensed Counselor, Reiki Master/ Energy worker and EMDR practitioner – she has extensive training and expertise with complementary approaches to healing and over 10 years experience working in the Nutrition/Health Food Industry.



EMOTIONS and THOUGHTS are Medicine!

By Ellen Farrell, MA, NCC, LPC, EEM-AP


What kind of habits are you reinforcing?

Our reactions to external and internal stimuli affect how we feel, and can influence what actions we will take! You can create balance by making a choice about how you want to respond to your own thoughts and emotions, and how you want to respond to external cues instead of reacting automatically. Make the choice to be healthy and true to yourself. Become aware of healthy options – and then take the time to choose wisely! How do you want your healthy future to feel? One healthy option is making meditation a regular part of your stress management routine, to:

– Connect with intuition and wisdom
– Consciously access your truth
– Develop focus and clarity in each moment
– Feel more balanced and grounded
– Reduce anxiety and depression
– Begin a new and health-supporting habit


1.) USE HUMOR!! See if you can find another way to think about your situation!
2.) DO YOU CHOOSE LOVE OR FEAR? We choose one or the other every moment of our lives. Being loving is the key to happiness.                                      3.) BE IN THE MOMENT OF NOW. Practice being present in the here and now! How? Stop, go within, initiate slow deep breathing, and follow the breath in the moment. Feel your feet touching the earth; take an Epsom/ Himalayan salt bath with healing/balancing aromatherapy. Be in Nature, notice what is beautiful; follow your intuition; choose to take action that supports health – listen to the inner voice and try something spontaneously fun or nurturing!
4.) MASTER YOUR PHYSICAL BODY, and its appetites – it’s your servant, not your ruler, but it has its own truth and wisdom – listen!Respect it! Consider that you’re more than just your body.
5.) MASTER YOUR EMOTIONS – don’t let your emotions push you around! HOW do you want to respond, even to yourself?
6.) MASTER YOUR MIND – it’s the tool we use to create our reality!
7.) NEVER GIVE YOUR PERSONAL POWER TO ANYONE OR ANYTHING! EVER AGAIN! You don’t need to act like a victim. Don’t give your power to your 5 senses, your physical, emotional, or mental selves, your subconscious mind, or another’s expectations.
9.) LEARN SELF–LOVE!! Not egotistical love, but self-love. If you don’t love yourself you may exclusively or excessively seek love, worth, approval, and acceptance from others, which will throw you out of balance.
10.) PRACTICE ATTITUDINAL HEALING… when you start feeling bad, examine if attitudes or beliefs (and actions) are causing you to feel that way. Consider changing the ones that aren’t healthy. Explore your healthy options!
11.) ALL MISTAKES ARE LEARNING EXPERIENCES! Forgive yourself and others, and begin to heal. Often so much energy is tied up in resentment, fear, anger, blame, and grudges that there isn’t much left over for the rest of your life. Choose not to waste time-draining energy with guilt, shame, and regret. Acknowledge it, let it go and heal your self – re-focus on healthy goals!
12.) THE EARTH IS A BIG SCHOOLROOM! Look for the lessons in everything that life brings you – especially the ‘bad’ stuff. Acknowledge what you learned so you don’t have to repeat the same lesson over and over.
13.) WATCH YOUR LANGUAGE. (See #10!) Language is one of the things that guide what you create. Practice beginning sentences and thoughts with words like: I AM, I MAKE, I CREATE, I LOVE, I CHOOSE, etc., followed by a positive TRUTH – i.e., “I choose to be healthy”. Identify negative and unhealthy language and replace it. Your life will begin to change for the better if you speak the truth with your words!
14.) PRACTICE DEEP LISTENING – try truly being present, listening and observing – without planning what you will say/do next. Be aware of distractions, yet return to the moment. Focus all attention. REALLY LISTEN.
15.) STAY GROUNDED. One really good way is to get out in nature. Honor and enjoy it – especially when you’re feeling depressed, or stressed out – or proactively to prevent burn out! Nature can bring balance and joy. Or meditate about being in Nature!
16.) HANG OUT WITH INSPIRING PEOPLE AND READ INSPIRING BOOKS. Try reading books/listen to music that inspires you, is fun, or uplifting – also, if you continually feel drained after being with someone, consider seeing them less often, and start making new spiritually and emotionally healthier friends.
17.) CHOOSE TO BE HEALTHY & TRUE to your highest aspect of self…

  •  Count your Blessings (have an attitude of gratitude)!
  •  Believe in yourself, and follow your intuition!
  •  Focus on your healthy goals (dream – and follow your heart)!
  •  Meditate!!!

This article was originally printed for Ellen’s workshops provided at Savannah College of Art & Design (SCAD), where Ellen was a Counselor from 2001-2006.



Diet For A New America: A Book Review

By Ellen Farrell, MA, NCC, LPC, EEM-AP


Every caring person should read DIET FOR A NEW AMERICA. It may just prove to be the most important book for this genera­tion. If you’re concerned about the environment, the ethical treatment or animals, maintaining good health, and the kind of world we’ll leave our children, this is a book to track down and read.

It is estimated that if Americans reduced their meat consumption just ten percent, it would create over twelve million tons of grain yearly – enough to adequately feed every one of the sixty million human beings who will starve to death on the planet this year. You see, as Robbins points out, for every sixteen pounds of grain and soybeans fed to cattle, we get back only one pound or meat. The other fifteen pounds ends up as mostly manure. Amazingly, the livestock of the U.S. produce twenty times the excrement of the entire human population of this country! And to produce one pound of meat it takes up to one hundred litres more water than it does to produce one pound of wheat. The cost: water and grain is subsidized by the federal government… in other words, the taxpayer bears the costs <even if you do NOT personally agree with the practices of these unsustainable factory farms!>. If it weren’t subsidized, Robbins calculates the cheapest hamburger meat would cost thir­ty-five dollars a pound.

The Meat Importers Council reports that for the meat which is imported, ninety percent is from Central and Latin America. Robbins’ research discloses that most of this meat goes to Fast Food restaurants for hamburgers, but at what environmental cost? The South American rain forests are being obliterated so that Americans can have burgers. These same rain forests contain 80% of the earth’s vegetation which provide a substantial per­centage of our oxygen supply, and are home to over one half of all the species on Earth. The current rate of species extinction is one thousand species a year, and most of that is due to the destruction of the rain forests. Robbins states that in our own country

 “approximately two hundred sixty million acres of for­est have been converted into land now needed to produce the wasteful diets most of us take for granted.”

At the rate we are going, the United States will be stripped bare of its forests in fifty years. However, for every person who switches to a pure vegetarian diet, an acre of trees is spared every year. Robbins suggests that adopting a vegetarian diet is probably the single most potent act any individual can take in the effort to preserve precious natural resources and to halt the destruction of our environment.

Robbins also makes a strong case for the nutritional sense of switching to a vegetarian diet. He cites study after study which shows that meat and dairy consumption gives us excess fat, cholesterol and protein, and zero fiber. He goes on to describe the over­whelming evidence correlating meat and dairy product consump­tion with heart disease, strokes, arteriosclerosis, ulcers, osteo­porosis, kidney stones, intestinal disorders, cancer, and the list goes on. Even the American Medical Association stated, “A vegetarian diet can prevent 97% of our coronary occlusions.” Yet, the meat and dairy Industries go to great lengths and spend mil­lions of dollars on advertising and consumer ‘education’ to down­play the risks. You may ask, if what Robbins says is true, why hasn’t my doctor made any of these recommendations?

A recent Senate investiga­tion revealed that the average physician in the U.S. received less than three hours or nutrition training during his or her four years In medical school. It’s possi­ble that your doctor doesn’t know the facts.

For the first time In his­tory, says Robbins, we can make food choices which will dramatically improve the health or our cardiovascular system, prevent heart disease and strokes, and at the same time, reduce suffering in the world. Robbins goes on to explain that few of us are aware of what animals experience in the fac­tory farms that are now preva­lent in the U.S. The slaughter of animals is big business, and it’s done as inexpensively as possible. For example, many slaughter­houses don’t bother to stun their animals before death because of the savings to the processors, which amounts to a single penny per animal. The quicker animals can be made bigger and fatter through genetics, hormones, light deprivation and other cruel tech­niques, the happier the produc­ers are. For example, the fact that a pig’s bones are literally crum­bling beneath him from weight they were never meant to bear is immaterial to the “pork” produc­ers. Robbins reveals that many animals are crowded together in cages so tightly they can barely move, and are driven insane. From birth on they are treated like mer­chandise. Anyone treating a dog or cat the way these animals are treated would be arrested. The great majority of farm ani­mals are fed diets laced with antibiotics and chemicals. Does this practice improve their health?

Government reports stat­ed that over 90% of chickens examined have cancer, and 80% of pigs have pneumonia till slaugh­ter. To develop white, tender flesh, baby veal calves are con­fined and fed a diet purposefully designed to make them anemic. The value of these animals is gauged by weight, not health.

Robbins also points out that the toxic substances and suffering in the animals may be passed on to the humans who eat them.* Robbins’ compelling research convinced me that the practice of meat and dairy overproduction is killing our water, stealing our air and natural resources, and costing the consumer every inch of the way. John Robbin’s book, Diet For A New America, has deeply involved me from cover to cover, touching me to the very core of my being. It is a beautifully and lovingly written account of the inter-connectedness of all things, and as this is a mere skimming of the facts, I fervently hope you have the courage to read this most important book.

Chief Seattle, as quoted in the book, sums up the essence of John Robbins message:

” … man must treat the beasts of this land as his brothers. For whatever hap­pens to the beasts soon happens to man.

All things are connected.”

*Since the writing of this article, in 1996, GMO/Roundup containing a cocktail of toxins including glyphosates has been used in ever-increasing amounts, on “Roundup-ready” crops like soy and corn, which is what is mostly fed to factory farm animals. It kills everything it touches, except the genetically modified (or genetically engineered/GE) plants that were changed to tolerate it. Crops may be sprayed from planes, as high up as 60-80′ – so drift to even organic fields is possible – but the crops the chemicals are meant for get really drenched in the stuff, and it can’t be washed off. This is what your meat (and you) eat if you eat non-organic animals. Heard of people having gluten problems? It is also used on wheat and other crops to bring them to die at the same time, making harvest easier. It is killing the soil, birds, butterflies – and bees (7 bee species now endangered). I encourage everyone to help the Earth by voting with your $ (Buycott), so we grow crops, and farm in a way that is sustainable for the Earth. Eat non-GMO, Organic, pasture-raised and free-range – and if you eat meat, please eat less. Buy local, fresh as much as possible, and love your fruits and veggies! –EF

This article was first printed in 1988 for the East-End Food Co-op newsletter in PGH, PA; later it was re-published by the Whole Foods Market Newsletter for Employees, Chicago, July 22, 1994, where I was an Associate Team Leader (and later, Team Leader) in the Nutrition Department. Since then, John and his son Ocean have continued the work of awakening people with a Food Revolution!

