Clearing the Chakras Workshop - Ellen Farrell
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Clearing the Chakras Workshop

In this 4-hour basic Chakras workshop you will:

1. Increase awareness of body-mind-spirit connection with relaxing & gentle self-honoring movement. Experience energy flow, combining Eden Energy Medicine, Alexander technique, Yoga & Chakra mindfulness meditation.

2. Learn about Chakras – these databases are from the Ayurvedic medical system from India. We will review the 7 major Chakras & why they matter, what they are, how to work with them.

3. Learn several techniques to test, balance & clear the Chakras …& bring harmony to the body. Work with a partner, deepening your awareness of these beautiful & information-rich energy centers!

4. Develop deeper connection to wholeness & get into the flow…

5. Go on an Spiritual Chakra meditation journey to meet Divine guidance; connect with a sense of inner clarity & peace; hear the wisdom of the highest levels of awareness, improve intuition; enhance communication, heart connection, self love & connection to truth, creativity, presence in the NOW. Group Q & A will follow as time allows.

Chakras Master Class: get grounded, & relax into getting to ‘see’ & feel’ more in this energy system! We will start with movement, demo, & practice in small & large group …you will learn preparation exercises, &: a new test for Chakras, practice/develop intuitive skills; ‘seeing’ & feeling how to read the energy + techniques to clear, balance + anchor the energies. Contact Ellen to schedule a workshop for your group.