I see Energy Systems connecting in a new way! Due to working with Reiki since 1987, & my Intuitive, psychic/clair-audient, clair-sentient, empathic abilities from my earliest memories, I discovered a bridge between the Chinese & Ayurvedic Energy Systems via the Core Star. In addition to EMDR, this work is a cohesive approach for healing trauma, creating balance, & reconnecting to our One-ness with the Divine. I’ve come to trust & clearly translate what I see, hear, & feel in the Core Star (what Spirit told me to call it!), which is the Divine Spark that is at the Core of all our energy systems: such as Chakras, Radiant Circuits (Joy flows), Meridians, Aura, etc.
Completing the work allows a deeper connection with Spirit – a more aware, authentic, centered, grounded – & meaningful life experience! Please see my client’s experiences in this Core Star Healing video…
I jokingly call myself a Spirit-savant as I have always “known” things that were either subtext or secret/hidden information. After training in Reiki, I began seeing client’s Chakra stories. I felt their emotions (the why, where energy got stuck), & pain on many levels. I also saw/felt the Chakra status, which relates to specific imagery.
The above video is from my Writing Project Psychic Shrink | Indiegogo . It features clients who have completed balancing work on anchoring all Chakras/CSML Re-connection, & all Meridians. Working with you, guides, and all Energy systems, reading & anchoring each Chakra into the Core, is a very thorough approach that clears out the closets of the deepest disconnects of open wounds/fears, limiting templates. It addresses what is READY to be seen, & to shift to a healthier state. It involves a commitment to self-exploration, & typically, 10 hours of session time after the Intake session. This includes deep Chakra healing, re-balancing of energy flows, checking all systems, often: past life healing, Energy Tapping (see other options in the pay page). Are you all systems “Go” & ready to heal at the deepest levels?
Spirit is always working to help us move toward greater insight & truth.
Energy work for me has always been about listening. I’ve also cultivated my skills, gleaned a lot of knowledge, and learned many techniques – but no matter how much I learn, in the wisdom of the moment, just me, my client, & Spirit, tells me all I need. This is not my opinion. For me the information from Spirit is incontrovertible. I trust Spirit because I’ve found it to be consistently correct. As I’ve learned since 1987, I’ve become better at translating & sharing what I saw, felt, heard, etc. I continue to ask better questions! I’m deeply grateful for the gift of this work. It’s my mission & honor to share it with you.
We can heal from the Core out! This work helps us in hearing Spirit’s wisdom, & able to remain congruent with our inner peace, love, wisdom, & joy. We are One. Once we all remember this & our pure connection with Spirit – together we will co-create Heaven on Earth.
In 2006, Ellen decided to go into private practice, leaving her job of 6 years as a clinical College Counselor (LPC/GA). Integrating Energy Tapping /trauma therapy (EMDR trained), Reiki & Yoga / Mindfulness work, by 2008, she’d trained in Past Life Regression Therapy with Dr. Brian Weiss at the Omega Institute. She was also in year 2 of the Eden Energy Medicine (EEM-CP) program. By 2011, she was a grad of the EEM-AP (Advanced Practitioner) 4th year, & realized she’d been ‘seeing’ other aspects of the Chakra structures for some years. Core Star Matrix Healing was officially born.
Online ENERGY readings / processing & in person work are options: